Publication scheme

We believe in the importance of being open, honest and transparent with you as our customers in respect of how we're performing. 

For that reason, we routinely publish information about us so you can access all the information you need to see how we're doing, how you can help us to improve and how you can request information.

Who we are and what we do

Who works here

Visit out meet team mhs information to see who's in our Leadership Team, on our Board and committees and also see our Customer Scrutiny Panel.

What we do

We offer many different stepping stones to help people live in a secure home with a diverse range of customers. Find out more about who we are and why we do what we do.

Our company structure operates as mhs homes group.

What we spend and how we spend it

Our Customer Annual Report which is published every year shows you what we've achieved, our performance, community engagement and where we can improve.

What our priorities are

We create a new strategic plan with new priorities every three years. This is to reflect on what's happened in the previous years, and to make sure we're up to date with any new legislation and guidance, the economic environment and customer priorities.

Our financials and publications information is the place to go to see:

  • Our strategic plans for mhs homes and Heart of Medway
  • Annual reports and financial statements for mhs homes and Heart of Medway

How we are doing

Our performance

So you can see how we're performing against our priorities and targets we publish monthly performance reports on our website for mhs homes group and Heart of Medway.

Latest news

We regularly publish news articles and useful information for customers and stakeholders so you can see what we've been up to and how you can get involved. Read our latest news.

How we make decisions

Our three year strategic plans for mhs homes group and Heart of Medway provide the focus on how we make decisions.

We review our performance regularly. Every year we create an internal delivery plan for the year ahead to make sure we're focused on delivering our strategic priorities.

Policies and procedures

For transparency, we publish our most relevant policies and procedures on our website. We make sure they're up to date and meet any new requirements, guidance, standards, regulation and legislation.

Our policies and procedures are important for you so you know how we operate and provide guidance and understanding on how we get things done. 

The services we offer

We have a range of housing options available to our customers including:

Depending on the type of housing a customer is living in will depend on what services are available. However, we encourage all of our customers to take advantage of our highly skilled Customer Team who can offer a range of support to support customers if they're in need.

Service standards

We're committed to providing the best service we can.

Our service standards tell you what you can expect from us. We've developed these standards in consultation with our customers so we can be sure that we’re concentrating on what matters most to you. To help us provide the best service we've added some things we ask you to do.

We have standards for all of our main services so you can easily find what you're looking for.