What you can do to help

Before you report anti-social behaviour to us you may be able to resolve the issue yourself.

Have a chat

Sometimes people aren’t aware that their behaviour may have been disruptive to you or your community. If it is safe to do so, and you feel able to talk to your neighbour then this could help to stop to or reduce the behaviour quickly.

Gather evidence

It can help us to resolve it quicker if we have as much information from you as possible.

To help us you can make a note of the date, time and location of any incidents that have happened, and if there were any witnesses. We may ask you to complete diary sheets to report ongoing problems, you can download these or we may send them to you.

Download an anti social behaviour diary sheet.

Is it an emergency? 

Criminal behaviour should be reported to the police.

Call 999 immediately when there’s danger to life, or when violence is being used or threatened.

Non urgent criminal behaviour should be reported to the police on 101 or on the Kent Police website.

If you have nowhere safe to stay, are experiencing domestic abuse, or have a priority need you can contact your council about emergency housing.